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War of the World – Axis and Allies Summer Camp

By 07/27/2022October 24th, 2022No Comments

War of the World – Axis and Allies Summer Camp

Közhasznú szervezetünk angol nyelvű nyári tábort szervez a XX. század történelme iránt érdeklődő 14 év feletti fiataloknak, akik a középiskola után jogtudományi, közgazdasági vagy politikatudományi irányban tervezik a továbbtanulást vezető európai vagy amerikai egyetemeken.

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A program védnökei: Petro Kinga (közgazdász, INSEAD), Tóth András (MTA tagja, ELTE ÁJK), Philippe de Chalendar (francia karmester) és Csutka István (színművész).

Day School – Napközis tábor időpontjai:
1. turnus 2020. június 29. és július 4. között
2. turnus 2020. augusztus 17-22. között

helyszíne: Civic Enterprises – WhiteSpace
H-1052 Budapest, Kristóf tér 3. I. emelet

Summer Camp – Nyári tábor időpontjai:
1. turnus 2020. július 13-18. között
2. turnus 2020. augusztus 24-29. között

helyszíne: Bercel Kastély
H-2687 Bercel, Kenderváros utca 9-11.

War of the World – Axis and Allies Summer Camp
WWI and WWII seminar using strategy games of Axis and Allies
Program Description

Historian Professor Niall Ferguson argues that in the last century there were not in fact two World Wars and a Cold War, but a single Hundred Years’ War. It was not nationalism that powered the conflicts of the century, but empires. It was not ideologies of class or the advent of socialism driving the century, but race. Ultimately, ethnic conflict underpinned 20th-century violence. Finally, it was not the West that triumphed as the century progressed – in fact, power slowly and steadily migrated towards the new empires of the East.

War of the World Seminar is about the conflict of the twentieth-century and the descent of the West. Seeks to establish a connection between industrial and technological progress and violence in the modern era, arguing that the twentieth century has been the most violent period in history in spite of unprecedented achievements.
Board games: Axis & Allies WWII 1942 (2004), Axis & Allies WWI 1914 (2013), Diplomacy (2008)
Video game: Axis & Allies 1942 Online

Learning Outcomes
– On completion of this seminar, students will be able to:
– Demonstrate a broad comprehension of WWI and WWII
– Identify grand strategies of Entente Alliance, Central Powers, Allied and Axis Powers
– Examine the ways in which geography influenced major battles of the twentieth-century
– Develop skills such as strategic thinking, product design, virtual history and more
– Above all, students will be inspired to learn more about political science and the history of the twentieth-century

Participants will develop skills to think about alternative and counterfactual history, that leads to historically rigorous voyages into “imaginary time” and provide far-reaching answers to these intriguing questions.
Primary skills will be critical thinking, debate, academic writing, research.

The requirement of the Seminar is to write a one page summary and provide a presentation; compare a historical event (battle or campaign) with an alternative history event of Axis & Allies board game.

Axis & Allies 1942 Online – Trailer
Bercel Kastély
War of the World

Dress code: smart casual / business casual
Sport activities: swimming, table tennis, running, hiking

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